Data Scientist Intern - Udayana

FinTech - Data Products & Infra – - /
Internship /

Submit your application

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[*] Consent to process personal data

[*] Work Eligibility

AI LLM Internship

  • Which semester are you currently enrolled in?
  • Can you commit to working with us for a period of 6 months?
  • Please share your course schedule for the next six months so we can plan accordingly (Upload Image)
  • Please share your latest GPA
  • Are you proficient in any Indonesian local language?
  • If YES, please select the languages below


We invite you to complete this optional survey to help us evaluate our diversity and inclusion efforts. Submission of the information on this form is strictly voluntary, and refusal to provide it will not subject you to any adverse treatment or affect your job application. Information obtained will be kept separate from your name or job application. This information will be kept secure and confidential and will be used solely to evaluate our diversity and inclusion efforts.

  • What gender do you identify as?