Visual Design Intern 品牌視覺設計實習生

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About us
Gogolook is a leading TrustTech company established in 2012. With "Build for Trust" as its core value, it aims to create an AI- and data-driven global anti-fraud network as well as Risk Management as a Service. From multi-communication to fintech, and SaaS, Gogolook creates trustworthy empowerment with the use of technology in various fields.
A founding member of the Global Anti-Scam Alliance (GASA), Gogolook has also teamed up with a number of institutes such as the Taiwan National Police Agency Criminal Investigation Bureau, the Financial Supervisory Service of South Korea, Thai Royal Police, the Fukuoka city government, the Philippines Cybercrime Investigation and Coordinating Center, and the Royal Malaysia Police and state government to fight fraud and ultimately, to build a trustworthy communication network with the largest number database in East Asia and Southeast Asia. In July 2023, TrustTech provider Gogolook completed its IPO listing on the Taiwan Innovation Board (TIB) of the Taiwan Stock Exchange (TWSE), under the ticker number 6902.

Why you should join Gogolook
1. Influential products: What we make are meaningful products that create values for society and defend against frauds.
2. Emphasize self-growth: We encourage technical community activities, subsidize tickets for conferences and workshops so that learning is continuously supported by the company.
3. Unleash your talent: We respect the professional opinions of everyone, encourage team members to discuss with each other, and make awesome products together.
4. Transparent culture: We publicly share the company's information to all, every member can read and feedback, and become a part of participating in the proposal.

Gogolook 是一家專注於防詐騙、數位金融領域的軟體公司。


    • 了解業界如何將發想實際落地成品牌視覺,並實際參與視覺製作,能夠學習多元面向的設計手法,與品牌設計觀察點、思考點
    • 結合行銷團隊發想合作,製作圖片與素材搜集,透過官方社群、網站、APP 等數位管道,如 Facebook / LinkedIn / Blog / In App,創造視覺影響力與話題熱度
    • 能承襲各種產品風格獨立製圖,官方視覺品牌化


    • 善於與人溝通、表達意見,懂得提問,樂於參與集思廣義
    • 對於視覺傳達有追求完美不輕易妥協的心
    • 對於畫面規劃製作及數位行銷趨勢熱血沸騰
    • 打從母胎內建的責任心,對於負責的專案絕不漏接
    • 具備獨立完成資料搜集、產圖能力,熟悉使用 Adobe Photoshop / Illustrator/ Indesign/ Premiere/ After Effect 等工具,懂 Figma 者更棒!
    • 週一至週五平日,每週至少配合 3 天,實習時長至少可配合 6 個月,可彈性遠端工作

Preferred Requirements:

    • 觀察力:社群媒體重度熱衷的你,將設計巧思加入網路熱門話題,設計內容以使用者想法為主軸,並融入結合自己的設計風格,透過不同管道闡述你的創意!
    • 設計力:將社群熱點與品牌結合,獨立製作品牌視覺,引起使用者注目度,對版圖設計有一定的認識
    • 抗壓力:在步調快速的新創產業裡,能扛住時間壓力安排好工作時程。跟著我們手刀衝起來吧!
NT$190 - NT$190 an hour