Occupational Therapist I (2024-1244)

Calgary, AB
Glenmore Park – Occupational Thpy Subacute MSK /
Casual /

Submit your application

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  • Pronouns

    • Let the employer know what pronouns you use so that they can address you correctly.

Applicant Work Authorization & Disclosure

  • Are you legally entitled to work in Canada?
  • Have you previously been an employee of Carewest OR have you received an offer of employment from Carewest?
  • I authorize Carewest to collect all relevant personal information. I understand this information will be kept confidential and used for the purposes of my employment application with Carewest.

Occupational Therapist Screening

  • Do you have active registration with ACOT?
  • Please upload a copy of your Active Registration/Professional License and any additional education
  • Do you have Connect Care Training?

Reference checks

  • Supervisory reference #1 (Name, phone number, email required)
  • Supervisory reference #2 (Name, phone number, email required)
  • Supervisory reference #3 (Name, phone number, email required)
  • Have you been directly supervised by the above listed referees?
  • Please list Position, Company, and Reporting Relationship of referee

Casual Availability

  • The role of the casual employee is to fill in when regular employees are not able to work; you can be scheduled shifts in advance however a lot of times you could receive a call at the last minute to come work that day. Which days of the week are you available?
  • How many shifts are you available for each week? (Please note that Carewest requires all casual staff to pick up a minimum of 2 shifts per week)
  • Which shifts are you available to work?
  • Are there any days/ times you are unable to work?