[19426] - Sr. Frontend Developer - React, Portugal

Lisboa / Madrid
Lovelace – Prod_Lovelace /
Full Time /

Submit your application

  • Which location are you applying for?
  • LinkedIn profile

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  • Pronouns

    • Let the employer know what pronouns you use so that they can address you correctly.


*Legal work permit

  • Do you have any relatives (such as parents, siblings, in-laws, spouses, or children, stepchildren, stepfather/stepmother, son-in-law/daughter-in-law), close friends, or acquaintances (with whom you have a significant and ongoing relationship) who currently work at CI&T?
  • If the previous answer is Yes, please share the name(s) of these individuals.
  • Free space to complement the last answer

Additional questions for Portugal

  • Do you currently reside in Portugal?
  • If no, are you planning on moving to Portugal?
  • What is your notice period?
  • What is your desired GROSS monthly salary in Euros (€)?

Language Level

  • [EN] What is your level of confidence when communicating and collaborating in an English-speaking work environment?
  • How comfortable do you feel working in an English-speaking environment?
  • [ES] What is your level of confidence when communicating and collaborating in an Spanish-speaking work environment?

Current Company/ Empresa atual

  • Confirm the name of the company where you work/ Confirme o nome da empresa em que você trabalha atualmente

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