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Our company values diversity. To ensure that we comply with reporting requirements and to learn more about how we can increase diversity in our candidate pool, we invite you to voluntarily provide demographic information in a confidential survey at the end of this application. Providing this information is optional. It will not be accessible or used in the hiring process, and has no effect on your opportunity for employment.
We are an Equal Opportunities Employer. We do not discriminate on grounds of religious or similar philosophical belief or political opinion. We practice equality of opportunity in employment and select the best person for the job. To demonstrate our commitment to equality of opportunity in employment we need to monitor the community background of our applicants and employees, as required by the Fair Employment and Treatment (NI) Order 1998. Regardless of whether we practice religion, most of us in Northern Ireland are seen as either Catholic or Protestant. We are therefore asking you indicate your community background by selecting the appropriate answers.
Select the appropriate box for your affiliation
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