Theater Arts Teacher

Sacramento, CA
Certificated - Teaching – Elementary (PK - 4th Grade) /
SL 10.5 (Salary 10.5 month Calander TEACHER FULL Benefits) CERTIFICATED /

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Fortune School of Education - Credentialed Teacher Application Questions

  • Mission Alignment: What interest you in working at Fortune School of Education?
  • Fit with Instructional/Culture Approach: Tell us about a time you created an environment of high expectations and high support. This could be in a classroom, at work, on a team.
  • Please list 5-7 aspects of a school/classroom with a strong culture and high achievement (whether they reflect your personal vision or not). What would they be?
  • Are you a Certified Teacher / an Administrator / or Intern Eligible? If yes, please upload certification and/or intern eligible letter below.
  • Please attach a valid Teaching Credential /Administrative Credential / CTE/ or Intern Eligibility Letter!
  • Do you have at least 12 undergraduate credits in the content you are applying to teach?
  • Please attach a copy of your transcripts.
  • Are you currently under contract with any other district/county?
  • Please provide at least 3 letters of recommendation dated within the last 6 months of your application OR the contact information for at least 3 professional references. *At least 2 must be a current/previous supervisor*
  • Have you ever been reported to the CTC?
  • If you answered Yes to the above question, please provide a statement of the report.
  • Please select the appropriate Grade level based on your Teaching Credential or Intern Program. *Please note: You will be assigned a Demo Lesson based on the subject matter selected. *
  • As of January 1, 2025, in accordance with Education Code section 44939.5 (as amended by California AB2534) applicants for certificated positions are required by law to provide a complete list of every school district, county office of education, charter school and/or state special school with which you have previously been employed, regardless of the length of service. Please include any part-time and/or substitution work in addition to any full-time employment positions. Failure to disclose any previous educational employment may result in the disqualification of your application and/or may be deemed dishonesty in the hiring process and subject to discharge should you become employed. Please type your First and Last Name that you have read and understand this statement!
  • This position requires that you to have a current TB (must be within the last 2 years). If you do not have a recent TB reading, are you able to obtain one as a requirement if offered employment?

LEGAL INFORMATION - The following information is REQUIRED for your application to be considered. Your answers will not necessarily disqualify you from consideration, except for affirmative responses to certain enumerated sex and/or drug convictions and/or convictions for committing serious and/or violent felonies.

  • Have you ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor, or do you currently have a felony or misdemeanor charge pending? Convictions include a plea of guilty, nolo contendere (no contest) and/or a finding of guilty by a judge or a jury, or a conviction that has been judicially dismissed or ordered sealed, including 'expungement' granted pursuant to Penal Code section 1203.4. (Note: Exclude convictions related to the use of marijuana that are over two years old) YES NO If "Yes," list all convictions including, but not limited to convictions for "driving under the influence," and convictions for sex and/or drug offenses listed in California Education Code Sections 44010 and 44011, except for convictions related to marijuana if it is more than two years after the date of the conviction. Include any serious or violent felony conviction in any state or jurisdiction as enumerated in California Penal Code sections 667.6(c) and 1192.7(c).
  • California Labor Code section 432.8 prohibition on asking about marijuana convictions does not apply to Health and Safety Code section 11359 (possession of marijuana for sale) and Health and Safety Code section 11378 (possession of a specific controlled substance). These convictions must be disclosed. Have you ever been dismissed or asked to resign from any position?
  • If you need a reasonable accommodation to participate in the hiring process, Fortune School of Education will provide you with one upon notice. If no reasonable accommodation is needed, please write N/A.
  • EXPLAIN ALL "YES" ANSWERS IN THE BOX BELOW. If there are no YES answers, please write N/A.
  • My submission of this on-line application authorizes the school to conduct a background investigation and authorizes release of information in connection with my application for employment. This investigation may include such information as criminal or civil convictions, driving records, previous employers and educational institutions, personal references, professional references, and other appropriate sources. I waive my right of access to any such information, and without limitation hereby release Fortune School of Education and reference source from any liability in connection with its release or use. I waive my right of access to any such information, and without limitation hereby release Fortune School of Education and reference source (except in relation to prior contractual agreements, public policy, legal/labor/education code, former employers and their agents or employees, as provided by law) from any liability in connection with its release or use. This release includes the sources cited above and specific examples as follows: the local law enforcement agencies, information from the Central Criminal Records Exchange or either data on all criminal convictions or certification that no data on criminal convictions are maintained, information from the California or other State Department of Social Services Child Protective Services Unit and any locality to which they may refer for release of information to any findings of child abuse or neglect investigations involving me. Furthermore, I certify that I have made true, correct and complete answers and statements on this application in the knowledge that they may be relied upon in considering my application, and I understand that any omission or falsely answered statement made by me on this application, or any supplement to it will be sufficient grounds for failure to employ or for my discharge should I become employed with the school district/County Office. TYPE NAME & DATE BELOW TO CERTIFY

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity information   (Completion is voluntary and will not subject you to adverse treatment)

Our company values diversity. To ensure that we comply with reporting requirements and to learn more about how we can increase diversity in our candidate pool, we invite you to voluntarily provide demographic information in a confidential survey at the end of this application. Providing this information is optional. It will not be accessible or used in the hiring process, and has no effect on your opportunity for employment.

Demographic Survey