Software Engineer - Full Stack

San Francisco, CA
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Gantry is building product testing and analytics for LLM-powered applications. We’re developing the most reliable, trustworthy way to evaluate LLM apps, and workflows to integrate those evaluations into the product development process. You can think of it like unit testing + Mixpanel for AI app builders. Gantry was founded by Josh Tobin, former OpenAI researcher and co-founder of The Full Stack, and Vicki Cheung, former founding engineer at OpenAI and Compute team lead at Lyft.

We are hiring a Full-Stack Product Engineer to join our team. The ideal candidate should be passionate about building high-quality, customer-centric products from the ground up, with a solid foundation in both technical and product disciplines. This role involves shaping the future of our products, working directly with customers, and collaborating with a team that values innovation, quality, and impactful work.

What you'll do

    • Develop and Test Full-Stack Products: Engage in the hands-on development and testing of APIs, UIs, and full-stack applications, ensuring high quality and adherence to best practices in coding and design.
    • Engage with Customers: Directly interact with users to understand their needs and integrate feedback into product development.
    • Contribute to Product Design: Participate in the design process, identifying technical and product requirements, and ensuring an excellent user experience in customer-facing interfaces and APIs.
    • Collaborate and Communicate: Work effectively within the team and with external stakeholders, addressing issues, sharing updates, and contributing to a positive team environment.
    • Be a product owner and leader on the team: Help create a culture of product excellence among your teammates through mentoring and sharing your perspective.

You may be a good fit for this role if you

    • Have Experience Building High-Quality Full-Stack Products: You've significantly contributed to the development of high-quality products, ideally in an early-stage company environment, and are comfortable working directly with customers.
    • Are Experienced in Leading Projects: You have successfully led multi-person full-stack projects, demonstrating a strong track record of productivity, execution, and leadership.
    • Possess Relevant Technical Skills: You are skilled in technologies such as TypeScript/Javascript, React, Python, Ruby, and/or Java, and are familiar with REST and GraphQL.
    • Are Customer-Focused: You prioritize building excellent products for customers above working with specific technologies or seeking advancement through roles.
    • Are Interested in AI and Product Development: You have an interest in AI, particularly LLMs, and are eager to contribute to the evolving product landscape.
    • Value Collaboration and Communication: You communicate effectively within teams and with customers to refine and enhance product offerings.
    • Seek Impact and Growth: You are action-oriented, optimistic about the future, and motivated by a strong sense of ownership and the desire to make a meaningful impact.
    • Have Participated in 0-1 Launches: You've been there when a product launched, seen it get users, and iterated to make the product valuable to them.