Senior Producer

Metaverse Group – Production /
Permanent Employee (PE) /

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  • LinkedIn profile

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  • Pronouns

    • Let the employer know what pronouns you use so that they can address you correctly.


Demographic Survey for Improbable

At Improbable, we believe that a diverse workforce, and environment where people feel like they belong is fundamentally critical to the success of our organisation. To ensure we hold ourselves accountable for this effort we are conducting a demographic survey and would appreciate your feedback. This survey will help us meet our goal of ensuring everyone, regardless of their identity and background, has access to fair and equal opportunities at Improbable. This survey is optional, and it is your decision whether or not to submit this information (however, please note that participation will have no impact or influence on your application, interview process or hiring decision). All information received is anonymous, and is completely dissociated from you as a candidate, including your name and application. Nobody at Improbable will see how you as a candidate has responded. This information will be held securely and confidentially and will only be used to provide statistical information to help inform our diversity, inclusion and belonging initiatives. Thank you, from the team at Improbable.

  • Which is your ethnic group?

    Choose one option that best describes your ethnic group or background

  • Which best describes your gender?
  • What is your age range?

  • By applying for this position, your data will be processed as per Improbable Privacy Policy.