5th Grade Science Teacher (24-25 School Year)

Greater Nashville, Tennessee
Opportunity Academy Middle School /
SY24-25 /

Submit your application

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Applicant Questions

  • Please list your cumulative, undergraduate GPA:
  • If you were referred, please list the full name of the person that referred you.


  • Have you been convicted of a felony, misdemeanor, or the illegal possession of drugs, including conviction on a plea of guilty, a plea of nolo contendere or granting pre-trial diversion?
  • If you answered yes, please explain the circumstances of the convictions. Type "N/A" if your answer to the question above was no.
  • US Equal Opportunity Employment Information: Intrepid College Prep is an equal opportunity employer. As an equal opportunity employer, we hire without consideration to race, religion, creed, color, national origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, veteran status or disability. The information below is voluntary and will be kept confidential.
  • Gender identity:
  • Please list your pronouns:
  • Race/Ethnicity:


  • Please provide the name and contact information of three professional references. By providing this information in your initial application, you will be eligible for an expedited interview process.

Written Response Questions

  • How do your personal and/or professional values align to the values and mission of Intrepid College Prep?
  • Why do you work/want to work in education? What are your longer-term professional goals and aspirations?
  • What does being an anti-racist educator mean to you? How do/will you implement inclusive, culturally-responsive practices in your classroom or in your work?
  • What do you anticipate being a challenge for you in this role? What kind of coaching/support are you hoping to receive?