Senior Accountant

Tokyo, Japan
Accounting /
Full-time (Regular) /

ispace is looking for a Senior Accounting Staff to join our growing team. The tasks include accounting closing procedure, disclosure documents, external auditor, corporate income tax and consumption tax and etc.

***** only candidates currently reside in Japan with valid working visa will be considered for the role. This is not a full remote position ****

職務内容/Job Description

    • 職務内容
    • - 月次・四半期・年度決算業務
      - 開示業務
      - 会計監査対応
      - 法人税、消費税等申告
      - 原価計算と収益認識の会計業務フロー整備
      - 事業拡大に伴う会計処理や背景・経緯の検討

    • Job Description
    • - Monthly/Quarterly/Year-end accounting closing procedure
      - Prepare disclosure documents
      - Deal with external auditor
      - Filing corporate income tax and consumption tax etc.
      - Arrange accounting processes of cost accounting and revenue recognition
      - Discuss necessary accounting processes and background data in line with business expansion

メインの職務/Key Responsibilities

    • メインの職務
    • - 仕訳の入力
      - 補助元帳(固定資産台帳、仕入元帳など)の作成及び仕訳のバックデータを維持
      - 貸借対照表および損益計算書の分析
      - 会社法に基づく計算書類の作成
      - 金融商品取引法に基づく財務諸表の作成
      - 外部会計監査人からの問い合わせ、資料請求対応
      - 税務申告書作成資料提供
      - 収益認識、原価計算、移転価格プロジェクト等への参画

    • Key Responsibilities
    • - Prepare journal entries
      - Prepare subledger (e.g. fixed asset ledger and purchases ledger) and maintain back-data of journal entries 
      - Perform adhoc analysis on B/S and P/L
      - Prepare Statutory Financial Statements under Companies' Act
      - Prepare Financial Statements under Financial Instruments and Exchange Act
      - Deal with inquiries and document requests from external auditor
      - Prepare supporting documents for tax return
      - Participate in various projects such as cost accounting, revenue recognition and transfer pricing taxation

必須スキル/Basic Quolifications

    • 必須スキル
    • - 5年以上の会計・税務の実務経験(事業会社、監査法人問わず)
      - 連結決算の実務経験
      - ビジネスに必要なPCスキル(Word、Excel、PowerPoint)
      - 学士(四年制大学卒)
      - グループの一員として協働できること
      - 変化の激しい環境に対応する柔軟性とストレス耐性
      - マルチタスクと複数のプロジェクトを同時進行で進める能力
      - 前例のない問題でも主体的に取り組めること
      - 英語力:会話(中級レベル)

    • Basic Qualifications
    • - Over 5 years experience in accounting and tax
      - Experience in consolidation accounting
      - Proficiency in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
      - University degree
      - Good team player
      - Flexibility and stress tolerance in a fast-paced environments
      - Ability to multi-task and juggle several projects 
      - Self-motivated attitude to new difficulty
      - Intermediate conversation and business writing and attending meetings in English

歓迎スキル/Preferred Qualifications

    • 歓迎スキル
    • - 上場会社での経理経験
      - 移転価格税制対応
      - 法人税、消費税の実務経験
      - ビジネス英会話(海外子会社との電話会議等)

    • Preferred Qualifications
    • - Accounting experience in a listed company
      - Experience in transfer pricing taxation
      - Experience in income tax and consumption return
      - Business level conversation in English(Teleconference with foreign subsidiaries)


    • その他
    • 新しい会計事象について積極的に検討し、監査法人と議論できる方

    • Others
    • Proactively consider new accounting matters and discuss them with the auditing firm
Only shortlisted candidate will be contacted for interview.