Maintenance Technician

Manassas, VA
GP – Facilities /
Part-Time /

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General Application Questions

  • If yes, include details of each crime, the date of conviction, adjudication or plea, and the penalty imposed. In addition, please include information concerning all crimes to which you were adjudicated guilty or pled nolo contendere. A conviction does not automatically mean that an applicant will not be hired. Give all the facts so that an informed decision can be made. Although conviction of a crime generally is not an automatic bar to employment with the company, some jobs may not be held by persons convicted of certain crimes. **This Question Does Not Apply for Positions In or Applicants From Philadelphia, New York City, Illinois, etc.** (If this question does not apply to you, type N/A)
  • 3. Are you currently awaiting trial or sentencing for any criminal offense? If yes, provide complete details. **This Question Does Not Apply for Positions In or Applicants From Philadelphia, New York City, Illinois, etc.
  • 5. What is your desired salary? Note: please enter numbers only, no additional spaces or characters.
  • 6. What do you believe qualifies you for this position?
  • 8. Select the answer most applicable to you:
  • 9. Did anyone refer you to this opportunity? If yes, please provide the name of the employee who referred you.

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity information   (Completion is voluntary and will not subject you to adverse treatment)

Our company values diversity. To ensure that we comply with reporting requirements and to learn more about how we can increase diversity in our candidate pool, we invite you to voluntarily provide demographic information in a confidential survey at the end of this application. Providing this information is optional. It will not be accessible or used in the hiring process, and has no effect on your opportunity for employment.

  • By applying for this position, your data will be processed as per Jushi's .