KIPP SoCal School Leader Fellow Program

Los Angeles, CA
School Leadership – Fellowship /
Full-Time 2025-2026 School Year /

Submit your application

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  • Pronouns

    • Let the employer know what pronouns you use so that they can properly address you.

Application Submissions & Skills

  • My school leadership aspirations are
  • Where would you be interested in leading a school?
  • Student Performance Data: Successful applicants have demonstrated strong results with students through teaching and instructional leadership. Please submit a no longer than 2-3 page PDF document that includes: A brief overview, including: The name of your school and the position(s) you held during the relevant years General demographic information about your school during the relevant years, including student enrollment and percentages of students represented in relevant populations (race, gender, SPED, ELL, qualified for free or reduced-price lunch). Student performance data, assessed by both measures of growth and measures of absolute achievement, from your three most recent years of teaching and/or leading. (Due to COVID-19 we recognize that you may not have complete or traditional data to share, so please include the student performance data that you do have.) Comparative results to your local district, city, and/or state; if comparative results aren’t available, briefly explain why Results disaggregated by relevant student populations (race, gender, SPED, ELL, qualified for free or reduced-price lunch), including comparisons to your local district, city, and/or state, where available For years in which you held an instructional leadership position, data from the subjects/grades you managed or coached. For years in which you were a teacher, please submit data from your class(es) that show your impact as a classroom instructor. We also welcome you to use this as a space to include additional data that reflects the impact of your teaching and/or leadership on students. Examples include: student culture, initiative led on your grade level, collective achievement by a team Please be sure to use clear labels for each data set, along with charts or graphs to illustrate your data.
  • *Current KIPP SoCal team members: Letters of reference from your School Leader and Director of Schools must be submitted directly to our Director of Leadership Development, Adriana Rodriguez ( Please have your SL and DOS complete the following forms:
  • Do you speak a language other than English or Spanish?
  • If you answered yes to the question above, please specify which language

Informing your School Leader

How did you hear about KIPP?

  • How did you hear about the KIPP School Leader Fellowship?

School Leadership Instructional Experience

  • How many years of school-wide instructional leadership experience have you completed (including the current school year)? Please only include experiences coaching classroom teachers or team members with direct instructional impact on students.
  • Please describe in what capacity you were an instructional leader and all grade levels and/or content teams you coached, managed, or supported.

Short Essay Questions

  • Why are you interested in applying for this position? Why now?
  • What skills, qualifications, and experience make you a good candidate for this role?
  • What are 2-3 areas of growth that you feel you would need to prioritize if you were to step into this role?
  • What story does your data tell? What have been your successes and what have been your challenges? Why?

General Information

  • Address
  • City
  • Zip Code
  • Are you legally authorized to work in the United States?
  • Are you able to complete the essential job duties for the position to which you are applying for either with or without accommodation?
  • If you answered no to the question above, please describe the full functions that cannot be performed. If you answered yes, please type 'N/A'.
  • Are you a current or former Teach For America corps member? City Year Fellow?
  • I voluntarily consent to KIPP SoCal Public Schools and/or any of its officers, employees, agents, or contracted affiliates or companies to check any of my references by contacting them directly. We will not contact them without notifying you first.
  • Have you ever been disciplined by a school, district, and/or state credentialing organization?
  • Are you currently under investigation by a school, district, and/or credentialing organization?*
  • Have you ever been suspended without pay for more than 10 days, involuntarily terminated, asked to resign from employment, or resigned in lieu of termination?
  • Have you ever resigned from (or otherwise left) school employment because of allegations of misconduct, or while allegations of misconduct were pending?
  • Have you ever had any document authorizing public school service (including but not limited to a permit, credential or license) revoked, denied, suspended, and/or otherwise subjected to any other disciplinary action?
  • As mandated by AB 2534, check this box if there were any credible complaints of, substantiated investigations into, or discipline for, egregious misconduct, as defined in CA Ed. Code § 44932, that were required to be reported to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.”
  • As of January 1, 2025, in accordance with Education Code section 44939.5 (as amended by California Assembly Bill 2534) applicants for certificated positions are required by law to provide a complete list of every school district, county office of education, charter school and/or state special school at which you have previously been employed in any capacity, regardless of the length of service. This includes any part-time and/or substitution work in addition to any full-time employment positions. Given this new requirement, please complete copy/paste this link to complete a short form which includes all of the above, as well as a valid Human Resources email address for each employer. Failure to disclose any previous educational employment may result in the disqualification of your application and/or may be deemed dishonesty in the hiring process and subject to discharge should you become employed. The link is: Mark the checkbox yes when you've completed the form.

Submit Your Cover Letter

  • Your letter should clearly explain why you are interested in the role and how your past experiences make you a strong candidate for the position.

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity information   (Completion is voluntary and will not subject you to adverse treatment)

Our company values diversity. To ensure that we comply with reporting requirements and to learn more about how we can increase diversity in our candidate pool, we invite you to voluntarily provide demographic information in a confidential survey at the end of this application. Providing this information is optional. It will not be accessible or used in the hiring process, and has no effect on your opportunity for employment.