Mandarin - International Telephonic Remote Interpreters

Interpreter Opportunities – Over the Phone Interpreters /
Independent Contractor /

Submit your application

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Interpretation Experience (IBT)

  • Country of residence? (If US, please list your City and State)
  • What language(s) do you interpret for?
  • Have you attended training for interpretation/translation?
  • Please indicate the total number of hours you have received in interpretation/translations training.
  • Please indicate the type of interpreting/translation training you have attained. (Check all that apply)
  • Have you achieved any certifications associated with interpretation and/or translation?
  • If so, please indicate the name of the certifying body for this certification (Agency name, Academic institution, State Name if US based, Federal Agency Name), and indicate the nature of this certification (Medical, Legal, General).
  • Please indicate the total number of years of professional interpreting experience you have.
  • Do you have interpreting experience over the phone?
  • Do you have interpreting experience in face to face or escort interpreting?
  • What is your preferred availability?
  • What is your requested rate?
  • Have you ever worked for Language Services Associates?