Senior Distributed Systems Engineer

San Francisco
ML /
Full-time /
Join us to build and safely deploy aligned, superhuman AI. We are building an AI pair programmer that feels like a full colleague inside your computer - capable, conversational, and reliable across domains.

As a Distributed Systems Engineer, you write efficient and robust pipelines for giant, multimodal datasets. If you love scaling things and maximizing reliability, this role is for you.


    • Design & independently implement a deterministic processing pipeline for our web crawl
    • A/B testing infrastructure
    • Crawling petabytes worth of image, audio or video data
    • A generalised dataset pipeline that makes creation of new, smaller and more specialized datasets easy for our contractors


    • Is great at distributed systems
    • Obsessed with details, reliability, and good testing

Magic's culture

    • Integrity. Words and actions should be aligned.
    • Hands-on. Most of us have previously led engineering teams. At Magic, there are no managers. We all spend the vast majority of our time on engineering. If you want to solve hard problems, Magic is the right place for you.
    • Teamwork. We move as one team, not N individuals.
    • Focus. Ethically deploy AGI. Everything else is noise.
    • Quality. We have high standards for ourselves and our products. Magic should feel like magic.

Benefits & perks

    • Benchmark-based compensation in the 75th or 90th percentile, including base salary, generous equity, and benefits
    • 401K with 6% match
    • Flexible working hours
    • In-person (SF or Vienna) or remote
    • A small, fast-paced, highly focused team
What's your motivation?
Automation has led humanity from subsistence farming to becoming a globally connected society. AGI is the ultimate chapter of the story of human tool-building, presenting the potential to decouple productivity and ingenuity from human labor. What if the last 50 years of technological progress happened in 2 days? We want to make this a possibility.

We've recently raised $28M.

How do we balance deploying the technology today with ambitions for AGI?
We think deploying AI within the right interfaces is just as important as the technology itself. Building an AI pair programmer helps us do both at the same time. We aim to launch gradually improving AI assistants while pursuing work on what will ultimately become AGI. 

Do you train your own models?

Do you care about the product?
It's funny that this is a question, but many AI companies neglect UX and focus only on their model. Yes, we care.

Can I work from anywhere?
We welcome applications from anyone around the world. We'll look at visa requirements case by case.

I don't meet all the criteria, should I still apply?
If you feel you have something to contribute to the mission and you're a high-energy person, absolutely. We make exceptions for exceptional people. In all hires, we are looking for either 1) difference makers on world class teams or 2) individuals who would become this very quickly if placed on such a team tomorrow.