Scientist (Bioengineer)

Biology /
Full-Time /

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Scientist Q4 2023

  • How many years of hands-on experience do you have with human pluripotent stem cells (hESC or iPSC)? What assays did you do to characterise them?
  • We are not automating cell culture by fully replicating manual cell culture processes which often requires us to review the “why” of how things are done. Could you please tell us a time where you had to not follow manufacturer instructions to make something work?
  • We’re skeptical when people say “it’s impossible!” and one of our company values is continuous improvement. We’re building a team of people who share this worldview. Tell us about a time you did one of the following : Improved an inefficient or painful process | Challenged the status quo | Found a new way to solve a hard problem | Solved something that other people were stuck on.