Regional Director - Europe-Middle-East-Africa (EMEA)

London, United Kingdom
International – GM International Direct Report /
Fixed term, Full Time /

Submit your application

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Cover Letter

You must be a New Zealand Citizen to apply for this role, do you hold NZ citizenship?

  • Are you a New Zealand Citizen?

International posting detail: Other citizenships to New Zealand

  • Can you please detail what other citizenships you have apart from New Zealand (if any)?

General Application Questions

  • Are you currently legally entitled to work in the advertised location of this position?
  • If you hold a work visa or a student visa please enter the expiry date and any conditions
  • As part of NZTE's commitment to diversity and inclusion, where possible, we aim for ethnically diverse longlists of applicants for all roles. To support this commitment, we invite you to share your ethnicity information (please note: this question answer is optional). Please confirm what ethnicity (or ethnicities) you identify as. If New Zealand or Cook Islands Māori, please include your Iwi.
  • Do you have an injury or illness which may affect your ability to carry out the position you are applying for?
  • Do you have any criminal charges pending or have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence either in New Zealand or overseas, not including those concealed under the Criminal Records (Clean Slate) Act 2004? If you want to know more about what this means for you, check the Ministry of Justice website
  • If you have ever been convicted of a criminal offence either in New Zealand or overseas please provide details here
  • Do you consent to the disclosure to New Zealand Trade and Enterprise of whether you have been subject to a serious misconduct investigation, either concluded and upheld or currently under investigation, from all previous Public Service and statutory Crown entity employers for the last three years? This will usually be conducted at the preferred candidate stage.
  • What salary or salary range would you expect in this role (inclusive of superannuation/benefits/bonuses)? Are you open to negotiation?
  • If your application is progressed, you will need to disclose if you hold shares in a NZ business that we engage with. You don’t need to tell us now, but please indicate if you have an interest or shares in a NZ business and we will discuss this with you at a later stage in the process and how NZTE could manage any potential conflicts of interest.
  • How did you find out about this opportunity? (Please list specific job site)
  • If you are currently working, how long is your resignation notice period?
  • Declaration

Diversity and Inclusion survey for New Zealand Trade and Enterprise

We invite you to complete this optional diversity and inclusion survey as we are deeply connected to the diversity of our people across the globe and embrace how that drives our organisation. Submission of the information on this form is voluntary and refusal to provide it will not subject you to any adverse treatment or affect your job application. Information obtained will be kept separate from your name or job application. This information will be kept secure and confidential and will be used solely to evaluate our diversity and inclusion efforts.

  • Please confirm your age range:
  • Please confirm what ethnicity you identify as:

    Select all that apply

  • Please let us know what gender you identify as:
  • Please confirm if you experience any of the following: