Customer Experience Specialist, Phone Support

Vancouver, BC
Customer Experience – Customer Experience /
Full-time /

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Additional Questions - Remote Canada

Demographic Survey for Relay Financial

We invite you to complete this optional survey to help us evaluate our diversity and inclusion efforts. Submission of the information on this form is strictly voluntary and refusal to provide it will not subject you to any adverse treatment or affect your job application. Information obtained will be kept separate from your name or job application. This information will be kept secure and confidential and will be used solely to evaluate our diversity and inclusion efforts.

  • I identify as:
  • Do you consider yourself a member of the LGBTQ+ community?
  • Do you identify as a person of colour?
  • Which race/ ethnicity best describes you? How do you identify?

    Select all that apply

  • Do you identify as a person with a disability?
  • If you have a disability and you interviewed with us, did you feel your needs were reasonably accommodated?