Technology and Innovation - Sales Manager

Client Service – Technology and Innovation /
Full Time /

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  • LinkedIn profile

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  • Pronouns

    • Let the employer know what pronouns you use so that they can address you correctly.


Employment Application - India

  • Preferred name
  • Can you provide proof you are legally authorized to work in the United States?
  • Do you now, or will you in the future, need sponsorship from an employer in order to obtain, extend, or renew your authorization to work in the United States?
  • If you were referred, please list who referred you.
  • Have you previously applied for employment, been employed with a client of, and/or been involved in a business capacity with Riveron, Clermont Partners, Conway MacKenzie, Winter Harbor, GBI Consulting, or Yantra?
  • If you answered "yes" to the question above, please explain below. If "no", please proceed to the next question.
  • Do you have any ongoing or expected future professional commitments that could present a conflict of interest should you join Riveron (for example: consulting, teaching, Board of Directors)?
  • If you answered "yes" to the question above, please explain below. If "no", please proceed to the next question.
  • Do you have a significant interest (greater than 0.1%) in any company?
  • If you answered "yes" to the question above, please explain below. If "no", please proceed to the next question.
  • Please provide your home mailing address
  • I certify that the facts contained in this application and the other information provided by me to Riveron Consulting, LLC ("The Company") during the application and hiring process are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and understand that, if employed, false or misleading representations provided by me to the company will constitute grounds for dismissal. I also understand and agree that, if employed, I have an obligation to notify the company promptly of any change in such facts, that I have an obligation to disclose to the company all information deemed by the company to be relevant thereto, and that my failure to comply with such obligations will constitute grounds for dismissal.