Total Rewards Specialist

Calgary, AB
People & Culture – Human Resources /
APT Permanent Salary /

Submit your application

  • LinkedIn profile

    Your full LinkedIn profile will be
    shared. Learn more

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  • Pronouns

    • At SAIT, we value inclusion and belonging. We want to ensure you are addressed the way you identify. You can chose to add your pronouns in the above field. This field is optional and you may continue to apply without completing it.


Additional Questions

  • Are you entitled to work in Canada?
  • What are your salary expectations?
  • Upload cover letter (Optional) 1 upload allowed max size 100 mb
  • Upload education credentials (Optional) 1 upload allowed max size 100 mb
  • If you selected "Other" to the above, please specify here.
  • By submitting this application, you are giving us permission to contact you. FOIP NOTIFICATION STATEMENT The personal information that you provide to SAIT is collected under the authority of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP Act) section 33(c) and will be used for the purposes of managing the application, selection and interview process. If you have any questions about the collection or use of personal information, please contact Employee Services at 403.284.8633


  • What is the highest level of education you have completed?

Years of Experience

  • How many relevant years experience do you have?*

Alberta Residence

  • This role requires employees are based in Alberta. Are you currently residing in Alberta or looking to relocate to Alberta?

Total Rewards Specialist

  • How many years of Total Rewards experience do you have?
  • Do you have or working towards CCP Designation?

SAIT Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Survey

Thank you for applying to SAIT! Before submitting your application, we ask that you complete the following five questions which address equity, diversity and inclusion. This information will have no impact on our hiring decisions, as your responses will appear in data reporting only and will not be tied to your application. The information is collected to assist SAIT in evaluating our recruitment processes. If you prefer not to provide this information, please select “Prefer not to answer” in the drop down response. Please note that submission of this information is voluntary and non-disclosure will not adversely affect your application.

  • How do you describe your gender identity?

    Select ALL that apply

  • Indigenous people include those who identify as First Nations (Status, non-Status, Treaty), Métis, Inuit, and/or North American Indian. Do you identify as an Indigenous person?
  • Do you identify as a person with a disability?
  • A racialized person means persons who are non-white in colour and who are not Indigenous persons, regardless of birthplace or citizenship. A racialized person may self identify as a "person of colour" or by an ethnocultural group. Do you identify as a racialized person?
  • Do you identify as Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and/or “plus” (2SLGBTQ+)?