Animateur(trice)/ Animator

Scanline VFX – Animation /
Fixed term /
En tant qu'Animateur(trice), vous serez responsable de la création d'animations de personnages, de créatures et/ou d'objets de haute qualité.

As an Animator, you will be responsible for generating high quality character, creature, and/or object animation for live-action visual effects.

Principales responsabilités

    • Travailler en collaboration avec les autres animateurs pour identifier et résoudre les problèmes, tant techniques qu'artistiques
    • Communiquer avec les autres membres de l'équipe de production pour s'assurer que les délais de production sont respectés

    • Work under the direction of the Animation Supervisors and Animation Leads to create high quality animation
    • Work with other animators and supervisors to identify and solve problems, both technically and artistically
    • Liaise with other production team members to ensure production deadlines are met


    • Diplôme en animation ou dans un domaine connexe (préféré) ou expérience équivalente
    • Au moins quatre (4) ans d'expérience en production d'effets visuels réalistes
    • Connaissance de Maya (requis), de Nuke, de 3Ds Max (un plus)
    • Sens solide des fondamentaux de l'animation, de l'interprétation, de la mise en scène, de la pose, du poids, du timing et de la narration, ainsi que de la capacité à respecter les modèles.
    • Compréhension solide du langage de la caméra : cadrage, perspective, lentilles, couverture, continuité, mouvement de la caméra, blocage, etc.
    • Expérience en prévisualisation est un plus
    • Bonne attitude et capacité à s'adapter aux changements du projet
    • Formation ou expérience en beaux-arts, montrant une compréhension approfondie du mouvement physique, du poids et de l'équilibre
    • Connaissance de l'anatomie humaine et animale ainsi que des compétences en dessin de la vie sont souhaitables
    • Capacité à déboguer les problèmes techniques et à suivre pour obtenir de l'aide si nécessaire

    • Degree and/or Diploma in Animation or related field (preferred) or equivalent experience
    • Minimum of four (4) years of live action production experience (preferred)
    • Knowledge of Maya (required) Nuke, 3Ds Max (a plus)
    • Must have a strong sense of animation basics, acting, staging, posing, weight, timing and storytelling, as well as staying on model
    • Strong understanding the language of the camera; framing, perspective, lenses, coverage, continuity, camera movement, blocking, etc.
    • Previs experience a plus
    • A good attitude and ability to smoothly change and adapt with the project
    • Background or experience in fine arts, which shows a thorough understanding of physical motion, weight, and balance
    • Knowledge of human and animal anatomy as well as life drawing skills is desirable
    • Ability to debug technical problems and follow up for assistance if required
About Us
Scanline VFX is an award-winning leader in the visual effects industry with 7 studios worldwide, including London, Los Angeles, Montreal, Munich, Seoul, Stuttgart, and Vancouver. Since our beginning in 1989, we strive to set the highest standard of quality in everything we do. Through innovation, we generate solutions for our clients and raise the bar — both within our workplace and throughout our industry.

We look for explorers, people who are willing to go to new places and are open to testing, learning and iterating as they go. We believe great ideas come from everyone, so we actively encourage team members to ask questions and present their ideas.

Eyeline Studios
Eyeline Studios, our virtual production division, is rethinking the future of real-time filmmaking by providing content creators with unmatched flexibility. Learn more.

Powered by Netflix
Netflix’s investment in our pipeline, infrastructure, and workforce allows us to continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in visual effects. In addition to working on projects for Netflix, we continue to work with a variety of long-standing and new clients.

Come as you are
We are committed to ensuring fair and equal treatment of your application. When you apply for a role with us, you will receive consideration based solely on your qualifications.

We will only consider applicants based in Quebec, or those willing to relocate.