Layout Artist

Scanline VFX – Layout /
Fixed term /

Submit your application

  • LinkedIn profile

    Your full LinkedIn profile will be
    shared. Learn more

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Tell us more

  • City you reside in
  • Do you require a Visa or Work Permit?
  • How soon could you start?
  • Have you previously worked in VFX and/or animation?
  • Do you know anyone on our team who could provide a reference?
  • Would you consider opportunities in any of our other locations?
  • Pour les postes basés au Québec, veuillez préciser votre préférence linguistique / For roles based in Quebec, please specify language preference:


  • Desired salary (e.g. yearly or hourly):

Demo reel

  • URL
  • Password
  • Breakdown (if not included in your reel)

Voluntary Self Identification

If you'd like, please share with us some information about yourself. It is completely voluntary. This information will remain separate from your name and job application and help us know more about people who interview with us and ensure representation in who we consider in our efforts.

  • What is your age range?
  • I identify my race and/or ethnic identities as

    Select all that apply

  • What gender idendity do you most closely identify as?