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We invite you to complete this optional survey to help us evaluate our diversity and inclusion efforts. Submission of the information on this form is strictly voluntary and refusal to provide it will not subject you to any adverse treatment or affect your job application. Information obtained will be kept separate from your name or job application. This information will be kept secure and confidential and will be used solely to evaluate our diversity and inclusion efforts.
Please select one response
(e.g., eligible for free school meals/equivalent, social housing, educational grants etc)
We are committed to ensuring that Simply Business is synonymous with fairness, belonging and inclusivity. As part of that commitment, we want to ensure we are attracting diverse talent that can contribute a wide range of experiences and perspectives to our team. Simply Business will ensure the information you provide will remain confidential and we only will use the aggregated data to access our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion efforts. Your response is voluntary and any information you provide will not be used as the basis for any employment decision, and will not subject you to any adverse treatment. We invite you to choose an answer below that best describes you, but we do understand that we can’t capture all of you in a box.
Please select a the response that most currently describes your gender
Please indicate if you identify yourself as: