Head Coach & Community Manager - Green Hills, TN

Nashville, Tennessee
Field Leadership – Studio Leadership (HCCM) /
Studio Leadership (Full-Time) /

Submit your application

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  • Pronouns

    • Let the employer know what pronouns you use so that they can address you correctly.

HCCM Questionnaire

  • 5-6 sentence paragraph, highlighting any relevant work experience. Please note relevant trainings or certifications.
  • What three words best describe you?
  • How many years of group fitness instruction or personal or professional athletic training experience do you have?
  • What type of prior instruction or training experience do you have? (check all that apply)
  • How many [solidcore] classes have you taken?
  • Please share any managerial or leadership experience.
  • Why do you want to work at [solidcore]?
  • Were you referred by a current [solidcore] employee? If so, who?

Eligibility and Additional Questions

  • Will you now or in the future require visa sponsorship for employment?
  • Are you legally eligible to work in the US?
  • Are you at least 18 years or older? (required for employment)
  • Do you CURRENTLY work for [solidcore]?
  • Are you a FORMER [solidcore] employee?
  • If yes, which [solidcore] studio did you last coach at?
  • If yes what position were you associated with?
  • Are you related to a current [solidcore] employee or have an intimate relationship listed below?
  • If yes, please state the full name of the employee

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity information   (Completion is voluntary and will not subject you to adverse treatment)

Our company values diversity. To ensure that we comply with reporting requirements and to learn more about how we can increase diversity in our candidate pool, we invite you to voluntarily provide demographic information in a confidential survey at the end of this application. Providing this information is optional. It will not be accessible or used in the hiring process, and has no effect on your opportunity for employment.

Demographic Survey for solidcore

We invite you to complete this optional survey to help us evaluate our diversity and inclusion efforts. Submission of the information on this form is strictly voluntary and refusal to provide it will not subject you to any adverse treatment or affect your job application. Information obtained will be kept separate from your name or job application. This information will be kept secure and confidential and will be used solely to evaluate our diversity and inclusion efforts.

  • What is your age range?
  • I identify my race as

    Select all that apply

  • What gender do you identify as?
  • Are you a current veteran?
  • Are you a former veteran?
  • Are you a spouse of a veteran currently serving on Active Duty or Reserves status?