Software Engineer, (San Francisco)

San Francisco, CA
Engineering – Full-stack Development /
12-18 months /’s vision is to re-imagine how the world creates software.
They are doing so by developing a cloud computer for local development that creates a powerful computer directly in the cloud.
After two years of pandemic, they are finally able to hire people on-site to work in their office located in Downtown San Francisco.
If you'd get hired from the company, Startuplifers will handle your Visa and flights, fully free of charge.

Here is what they say about the company and about the role:

About the company:

We are a small, potent and passionate team obsessed about the development experience.
There’s a reason why large organizations move in this direction - the future of computing is thin clients connected to powerful machines that have historically been too expensive to develop on. We’re building a way for all developers to tap into that power, while also creating a better overall experience.

About the role:

Our core repositories are a [Golang CLI]( (open sourced) which interacts with a Golang backend. Our backend interacts with a Kubernetes cluster using Terraform. Other tech used in our cluster includes Traefik, Tailscale, Sysbox and Hashicorp Vault. Knowledge of Linux is especially helpful.

We also have a web console built in React, and a repository of Docker images to configure the Linux machines that Kubernetes provisions. We’re constantly finding new and interesting tools to integrate with our stack!

If you roll your own Emacs config, personalize your PS1, or constantly test developer tooling - you’re already customizing your development environment for fun. 
Join us to bring that tooling to everyone!

What we offer:

We are all second-time Y Combinator founders and infrastructure experts, building on our experiences at Microsoft, Workday and previous startups.
We are fortunate to have investors that include Brickyard Ventures, 468 Capital, and HustleFund as well as founders and operators from Github, ContainIQ, Carbon Health and Bellhop.

We value the energy, creativity, learning and passion that comes with in-person work. As a result we are intensely non-remote - working out of a sunny office in SF in the Lower Haight.
We enjoy the wins and losses together as a team, not behind Zoom. The energy is unparalleled, and we’re able to move so much faster. Learn from the best and have the best learn from you.
That being said, we trust each other to do what’s needed, including listening to your body. Feeling tired? Take a nap (we have a very comfy, hidden sofa), or work from home. Live far-ish away? We’ll get you a scooter so your commute can be refreshing. Wanna visit your family? Work from home for those weeks!
Work should be a joy, and we are intentional about making it so.

Note: we have partnerships with various housing providers in SF that provide flexible leases within a 15min walk from the office. We’ll help you come to San Francisco if you don’t already live here!

What you will do:

    • Programmatically generate error messages that potential users would search for (like literally, the stack traces that you copy and paste into Google).
    • Rebuild our default Docker image for machines that users provision (to give them certain default installed software like Homebrew)
    • Research, redesign (and re-re-redesign) of our CLI.
    • Build user analytics, business analytics (for how much to charge them), and internal analytics (which CLI commands are being used the most).
    • Automatically adjust the SSH config of a user’s local machine when their brev project is created (an intermediate step to being able to use their local tools)

What makes you a good fit:

    • Being able to work in GoLang, Terraform or Bash
    • Having an understanding of Linux systems and command-line tools (such as Docker)
    • Willing to engage in customer-facing support when needed
    • Being creative and having an interest in developer tools from a product perspective.
    • Enjoying being a generalist and not being tied down to a specific programming language or surface area of our codebase
    • Being naturally curious and willing to take a step to learn something they don’t have experience in
To be eligible to apply for this position through Startuplifers you must be currently studying towards a degree or have graduated from a Finnish or a Swedish university or university of applied sciences. 

Send your application by May 13th, 2022.

Startuplifers is a non-profit organization connecting the top Nordic talent with some of the best startups on the globe. We provide you a supportive community, making your transition to remote work seamless and fun. Together, we will secure the job of your dreams.