Full Stack JavaScript Developer (Remote PH)

PH Remote
R&D: Engineering – Tech Enablement & R&D Engineering /
Full Time Contract Position /

Submit your application

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English Skills

  • How would you rate your English skills (reading & writing)?
  • Have you previously taken the EF SET/CEFR (English test)? If yes, what was your score?
  • Please include LinkedIn (and any other profile links)
  • WhatsApp (Optional - Will only contact if scheduling interview)
  • If added WhatsApp, Check Yes if you confirm we can contact you via WhatsApp

Location & Salary

  • Are you wanting a full time position?
  • If you selected Other/Not Listed - What city and country are you located?
  • What is your current monthly salary. Please note your currency, Rand, Peso, USD, Cedis, etc.
  • Just to confirm, is the salary you provided above is Monthly?
  • Based on your location, are you able to overlap our core hours?
  • What is your desired monthly salary? Please note your currency, Rand, Peso, USD, Cedis, etc.
  • Visit https://www.speedtest.net/ and enter your internet speed.
  • Briefly outline how you spend your time during a typical work week.

Related R&D Roles - Development

  • Which positions match your current experience level? Select any that apply. (This is to save you time so you don’t need to submit multiple applications. If you are only interested in one specific role, that is completely fine!)
  • We have multiple positions available. The questions below capture your overall experience. Not all questions will relate to your position.

Development - R&D

  • How much Node.js Experience do you have? (Full time, 40 hours per week) (Please don't include side projects)
  • Would you be confident enough in Node.js to teach it to a brand new developer?
  • How much Vanilla (no framework) Javascript experience do you have? (Full time, 40 hours per week) (Please don't include side projects)
  • Do you have any links to projects you've created in Javascript?
  • How much React.js Experience do you have? (Full time, 40 hours per week) (Please don't include side projects)
  • If you had a design file, would you be able to implement the design on React.js, connect any APIs, setup test, etc without any help?
  • How much SQL Experience do you have? (Full time, 40 hours per week) (Please don't include side projects)
  • What has been your development experience with SQL? What type of projects have you worked on?
  • How much QA Software Testing Experience do you have? (Full time, 40 hours per week) (Please don't include side projects)

Development - General

  • Rank your top 3 software development skills in order (1. React.js 2. PHP, etc)
  • Please add any profile links (LinkedIn, Github, Dribbble, Behance, Website etc)
  • Do you have experience working with Workato or similar platforms? If yes, please explain.
  • Anything else you'd like to add?

How Did You Hear About This Position?

  • How Did You Hear About This Position?

Which FXInternational recruiter reached out to you?

  • Who was the FXInternational recruiter who reached out to you?

Video Question

  • Where do you see yourself in 3 to 5 years, and in what areas do you hope to grow? Instructions: Record Your Video: Use any device or recording tool you’re comfortable with (e.g., your phone, webcam, or a platform like Loom or Zoom) to record your response. Upload Your Video to a Shareable Link: Once recorded, upload your video to a file-sharing platform (such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or YouTube). Set the link to “Anyone with the link can view.” Submit the Link: Paste the link to your video response below