Environmental Human Health Risk Assessor (New England Region)

Canton, MA / Providence, RI / Middletown, CT / Andover, MA / Portland, ME
Environment – Environment /
Full-time /

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Demographic Survey for Woodard & Curran

Join us in improving diversity and inclusion in our industry! Your input matters. This survey is OPTIONAL, and your choice to participate or not will NOT impact your application. Your responses are kept private, separate from your application and cannot be seen by the hiring team. Your privacy is our priority, and this helps us understand how to adjust our recruiting approaches to continue to focus on enhancing diversity and inclusion at Woodard & Curran. Please note that you may encounter similar demographic questions twice to support both Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) requirements and our own inclusion efforts. W&C understands there is complexity with how an individual identifies in terms of race and ethnicity. We are required to use the US Government designations as a way to understand our demographics and we recognize the limitations within these designations.

  • I identify my ethnicity as

    Select all that apply

  • What gender do you identify as?